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Greater Peoria Contractors and Suppliers Association (GPCSA) is an organization of qualified construction contractors and industry-related companies dedicated to skill, integrity, and responsibility. The fundamental goal of the Association is to address the needs, goals, and concerns of its members, thereby improving the quality of the local construction industry.

The Association provides a full range of programs and services including, but not limited to, networking opportunities, labor relations and collective bargaining, educational and professional development, plan room accessibility/lead generations, legislative and political awareness, as well as community connections, meeting space, and print scanning.


Member Spotlight

GPCSA Member Spotlight

Our mission in business is to provide quality construction built on a foundation of trust and integrity where relationships are key. The best evidence of our successful craftmanship is the history of repeat customers, owners and construction managers that invite us to work on their projects. Whether it’s building restoration, remodel, maintenance, new construction or building addition, Zobrist Construction has the experience and expertise to succeed with your project.



Interested in learning more about the benefits of becoming a member?